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Mr. Tonphon Supnirund
Mr. Tonphon Supnirund
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TQF3 and TQF5 2018
TQF3 and TQF5 2018
TQF3 and TQF5 2018
Semester 1
FPR4306 TQF3 scrip writing2.pdf
IGS1101 TQF3 intro to phycology 3-17.pdf
IGS1102 TQF3 2018.pdf
SFD1103 Narrative Structure tqf3.pdf
Semester 2
CMM2302 Exhibition Design 2-18.pdf
dec1204 script writing and storyboard.pdf
FPM2305 Short Film Script writing 2-18.pdf
FPR1209Imagination and Creativity for Making Film TQF3 2-2018.pdf
Semester 1
FPR4306 scrip writing2 TQF5 1-18.pdf
IGS1101 TQF5 intro to phycology 1-2018.pdf
IGS1102 Man and Global society tqf5 1-2018.pdf
SFD1103 Narrative Structure TQF5 1-18 .pdf
Semester 2
CMM2302 Exhibition Design TQF5 2-18.pdf
DEC1204 Script Writing and Storyboard TQF5 2-18.pdf
FPM2305 Short Film Script writing TQF5 2-18.pdf
FPR1209 Imagination and Creativity for Making Film TQF5 2-18.pdf