ข้าม รายวิชาที่มีอยู่


This course expands and introduces core concepts in research and provides an Overview understanding of both quantitative and qualitative research techniques as employed in mass media and film research.

Introduction to film law; freedom rights, freedom of communication, and freedom of speech; ethics and law; ethical problem in film; film rights, copyright, Asian copyright law for film; the restriction of copyright; the Asian film censorship and justification; restricted film; practice to censor Thai films in accordance with Thai film law enforcement.

The methodology for film research; analysis of a phenomenon of the modern film; the perception to a research topic; the frame of the film theory; analysis for the selection of film research method, including the distribution of the new knowledge.

The concept and theory of film editing; learn to use Final Cut Pro, Adobe Premier Pro for editing film, news, and documentary.

Film theory focusing on film language theory. The semiology of film. The meaning of camera angle, shot, picture size. The principle of camera using for film and camera lenses. Film genre. Film crews position and the relation between film producer and film director.

The concept, meaning, philosophy, and theory of film criticism; thematic elements; the basic approach of film criticism; other approaches of modern and postmodern film criticism: the psychoanalytical approach, Marxist film theory, semiotic analysis of film, feminist film theory, structuralist film theory, post-structuralist film theory, deconstruction film criticism; film criticism and society; a variety of drills in film criticism.

The principle of general philosophy; the periods of western and eastern philosophy; modern philosophy and post-modern philosophy; human in society and culture.

The history of American, French, Italian, Swedish, Russian, Indian, Iran, Japanese, Chinese, Thai, Philippines, and Indonesian cinemas; the history of the international and Thai key directors.

A lighting theory. The aesthetics of lighting and lighting technique. The theory of composition of lighting. Equipment for lighting. The system of analog and digital for lighting. Theory of color and lighting explanations. Color in analog system and digital system. Computer programs for color editing. The resolution image and the digital exportation.

The concept, meaning, and history of film sound; learn the importance and types of sound in the movie; study the types of recorders and maintenance of equipments; learn more about analog and digital sound recorders; practice using the equipments for recording sound.

The importance and types of business; the common ground of doing business; the principle of business management; management of business documents; financial, marketing, and marketing plan; sales and sales planning; the relationship between business and environment; managing business in variety areas: personnel management, bureau management and business paper work; the total quality management and business standardization.

The meaning and the significance of film. The nature of film. Film as a mass media. Film is the art. Aesthetics film. Rating film. Criticizing concept in film study. Film and the society. The social responsibility for film producing.

ข้าม ประเภทของรายวิชา
